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Custom UI (ModHelperComponents)
This guide assumes that you already have at least a basic knowledge of C#, and have set up a modding environment as explained on this wiki. Without both of those things being true, this likely won't be a very useful resource for you.
Making a custom hero is very much like Making a Custom Tower. You should be familiar with the information in that guide before reading this one, as some repeated information will be ommitted.
The tl;dr of making a custom Hero is that you just make a custom Tower, but use the ModHero
and ModLevel
classes in place of ModTower
and ModUpgrade
. If you're someone who likes flying by the seat of your IDE's autocomplete, then that might be as much information as you need to get started.
: Same as with ModTower
: Same as with ModTower
: Same as ModTower
. This will usually be the name of the Hero, like "Benjamin"
: Same as ModTower
. The overall description of your Hero as it appears in menus.
: The short description of your hero, like "Code Monkey" for Benjamin
: Instead of the "___PathUpgrades" properties, you use this to define the max level of your hero. Like with those properties, don't preemptively set this to a higher number than the amount of ModHeroLevel
s you've actually created so far.
: The description of the level 1 upgrade of your hero. You won't be making a ModHeroLevel
for level 1, just 2 and up, so this is defined here.
: How fast the hero levels up. Quincy, Gwendolin, Striker Jones, Obyn and Etienne have 1.0; Ezili, Pat Fusty, Brickell, and Sauda have 1.425; Benjamin and Psi have 1.5; and Captain Churchill and Adora have 1.71.
: The total number of abilities that you've added for your Hero.
: Same as ModTower
. This is defining the behavior of your Level 1 Hero.
You'll want to include 4 images for your base hero:
iconAlso for the revamped hero select screen, you can override the NameStyle
, BackgroundStyle
and GlowStyle
properties to be the TowerType.___
of the heroes you'd like to copy the respective elements of.
: The artifact Id that this hero will start with for Rogue Legends runs. If not specified, the hero will use Starting Strong Common
: The insta towers that this hero will start with for Rogue Legends runs. If not specified, the hero will use a 2-0-0 Ninja Monkey and 2-0-0 Alchemist
A full example from the Industrial Farmer mod
public class IndustrialFarmer : ModHero
public override string BaseTower => TowerType.BananaFarmer;
public override int Cost => 1400;
public override string DisplayName => "Norman";
public override string Title => "Industrial Farmer";
public override string Level1Description => "Collects nearby bananas. Your next Banana Farm is free.";
public override string Description =>
"Norman collects your Bananas and helps you expand your farming operations.";
public override string NameStyle => TowerType.Gwendolin; // Yellow colored
public override string BackgroundStyle => TowerType.Etienne; // Yellow colored
public override string GlowStyle => TowerType.StrikerJones; // Yellow colored
public override float XpRatio => 1.0f;
public override string RogueStarterArtifact => "TheUnspokenHeroes1";
public override IEnumerable<(string, int[])> RogueStarterInstas =>
(TowerType.BananaFarm, [0, 0, 0]),
(TowerType.EngineerMonkey, [0, 0, 2])
Like with ModUpgrade
s, you'll want to declare these classes using your ModHero
class's name as the type parameter to specify it's for them
public class CustomLevel2 : ModHeroLevel<MyCutomHero>
: Instead of Path and Tier like ModUpgrade
, you just have this to signify what level this corresponds to.
: If this upgrade adds an ability, then you must indicate the DisplayName
field of its AbilityModel
: What you want the displayed description of the ability to be
ApplyUpgrade(TowerModel towerModel)
: Just like ModUpgrade
, apply the effects to the tower model that you want leveling up to provide.
If you're adding a new Ability with this upgrade, as well as making use of the AbilityName
and AbilityDescription
properties, you should also be sure to include a line like this when constructing your AbilityModel
abilityModel.addedViaUpgrade = Id;
This will help make sure the Ability is shown properly for this upgrade/level in the Hero screen.
Like with ModUpgrade
s, if you include an image named after your ModUpgrade with "-Portrait" following it, then your hero will use that as its portrait if it's at least that level.
A full example from the Industrial Farmer mod
public class Level7 : ModHeroLevel<IndustrialFarmer>
public override string Description => "Range is increased.";
public override int Level => 7;
public override void ApplyUpgrade(TowerModel towerModel)
towerModel.range += 15;
towerModel.GetBehavior<CollectCashZoneModel>().attractRange += 15;