Table of Contents
Custom UI (ModHelperComponents)
Mod Helper adds a new button in the Mods Menu to export a mod's localization to a json file, which can be edited to change its supported displayed text for your language
Mods/BloonsTD6 Mod Helper/Localization/[Language]
For Localization Entries, putting text within [Square Brackets] will make it try to fetch existing localization for that key, e.g.
The description is [DartMonkey Description]
The description is Throws a single dart at nearby Bloons. Short range and low pierce but cheap.
Additionally, ModHelperText
and ModHelperDropdown
components Localize their texts by default.
The text in mods that should be automatically supported for localization editing includes
Classes like ModTower
, ModUpgrade
etc that extend from NamedModContent
already automatically use localization keys
for their common text fields like DisplayName
and Description
. For adding more localized text, there are two
added options by mod helper (apart from just editing LocalizationManager.Instance.defaultTable
methods can add new mod specific localizations from variables
private static readonly string DoTheThing = ModContent.Localize<MyMod>(nameof(DoTheThing), "Do The Thing!");
The result assigned to the DoTheThing
is your mod specific localization key, that you can use in a
directly or as DoTheThing.Localize()
Generally speaking you'd want to use ModContent.Localize
exactly as above, as a static variable.
Other usages than that would still work, but would only make their localization key appear for purposes of the Export
Localization button if they got executed before the mods menu opened.
Override the RegisterText
method in any class that extends NamedModContent
to directly add extra stuff to the text
public override void RegisterText(Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> textTable)
base.RegisterText(textTable); // Call the base to still register DisplayName / Description
textTable[Id + " Long Description"] = LongDescription; // More specific stuff to your ModContent
The standard btd6.targets import automatically embeds /Localization/[Language].json
files in your mod
You can use the Localization Button on your own mod with active language English to get a basis json for your mod
TIP: If you press the "Translate All" button on the site it will create a .zip file with all the correctly named .json files you'd need so you can just put those directly in your Localization folder.