Table of Contents
Class for a Coroutine style task that runs during the BTD6 loading screen
public abstract class ModLoadTask : BTD_Mod_Helper.Api.NamedModContent
Inheritance System.Object ModContent NamedModContent ModLoadTask
The subtext that appears to the right of the Display Name at the bottom of the loading screen
Can be dynamically changed while running the task
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
The name that will actually be display when referring to multiple of these
public sealed override string DisplayNamePlural { get; }
If ShowProgressBar is enabled, how much Progress should be shown (from 0 to 1)
public float Progress { get; set; }
Whether to show the progress bar during this task or not
public virtual bool ShowProgressBar { get; }
Coroutine style function
public abstract System.Collections.IEnumerator Coroutine();