Table of Contents
Class that lets you add custom Jukebox Tracks from embedded audio
public abstract class ModJukeboxTrack : BTD_Mod_Helper.Api.NamedModContent
Inheritance System.Object ModContent NamedModContent ModJukeboxTrack
If set, will load from an embedded AssetBundle with this name rather than directly from an embedded resource
public virtual string AssetBundleName { get; }
The final AudioClip used for this track
public virtual AudioClip AudioClip { get; }
Name of the AudioClip to use for this track.
If loading directly from an embedded resource in your project, simply include the name of the audio file without the extension
If your loading the AudioClip from AssetBundleName, this should be exact name of the asset within the bundle
public virtual string AudioClipName { get; }
The in game description of this
public sealed override string Description { get; }
The name that will actually be display when referring to multiple of these
public sealed override string DisplayNamePlural { get; }
The BTD6 MusicItem that gets created for this track
public MusicItem MusicItem { get; set; }
Creates the MusicItem for this track
public virtual MusicItem CreateMusicItem();
the MusicItem